Gremlins in the Garage!


FAO Schwarz is even getting into the kit building scene, the first kit they will carry is The Adams' Family Haunted House. This kit was produced by Playing Mantis and I hear that more classic Aurora kits are in the works. The kit is not listed on their web site, but you can reach FAO Schwarz at 1-800-426-TOYS to order one. It is product number 694786 and goes for $59. They don't have it in stock yet, but it is supposed to come in before the end of October. I asked if they would be making more Aurora kits available and they said: "Depends on how this one does sales-wise. We'd love to do them, it just depends on if there is a market for them."


The Gremlins in the Garage webzine is a production of Firefly Design. If you have any questions or comments please get in touch.

Copyright © 1994-1997 Firefly Design.